Análisis de Las Capacidades Emprendedoras Potenciales y Efectivas en Alumnos de Centros de Educación Superior


  • Ricardo Cabana-Villca Universidad de la Serena
  • Ivan Cortes-Castillo Universidad de la Serena
  • Diego Plaza-Pasten Universidad de la Serena
  • Mauricio Castillo-Vergara Universidad de la Serena
  • Alejandro Alvarez-Marin Universidad de la Serena



enterprising capacity, higher education, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial. capacidad emprendedora, centros de educación superior, emprendimiento


There were identified four factors that determine the enterprising potential capacity of a pupil belonging to higher education centers (attributes of the entrepreneur, interpersonal capacities, capacities opposite to the risk and attitude of the entrepreneur). On having organized into a hierarchy using the AHP method, it concluded the vectors of priority giving a major importance for attitude and attributes of the entrepreneur, which as a whole represent 76%. The index of enterprising potential capacity was 74% and the percentage of pupils with effective enterprising capacity was 16%. This gap of development of enterprising capacity represents a strategic challenge for each higher education centers, to contribute to its value and in addition to the local, regional and national development. There proposes a model of analysis of the enterprising capacities, who would allow significant achievements in the formation of effective enterprising capacities.


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How to Cite

Cabana-Villca, R., Cortes-Castillo, I., Plaza-Pasten, D., Castillo-Vergara, M., & Alvarez-Marin, A. (2013). Análisis de Las Capacidades Emprendedoras Potenciales y Efectivas en Alumnos de Centros de Educación Superior. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 8(1), 65–75.



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