Assessment of Non-Financial Criteria in the Selection of Investment Projects for Seed Capital Funding: the Contribution of Scientometrics and Patentometrics


  • Gustavo da Silva Motta UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Rogério Hermida Quintella UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia



Scientometrics, Patentometrics, Technological Assessment, S&T Indicators, Seed Capital Funding.


The aim of this article is to assess the potential of using scientometric and patentometric indicators as a way of instrumentalizing the selection process of projects for seed capital funding. There is an increasing interest in technology based enterprises for their capacity to contribute to economic and social development, but there is also some difficulty in assessing non-financial criteria associated with technology for the purposes of financial funding. Thus, this research selected the case of the first enterprise invested in by the largest seed capital fund in Brazil, in order to create scientific and technological indicators and to assess the extent to which these indicators may contribute to understanding the market potential of the technology once it is assessed. It was concluded that scientometric and patentometric indicators favour the assessment process for non-financial criteria, in particular those criteria dealt with in this study: technology, market, divestment, and team.


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How to Cite

Motta, G. da S., & Quintella, R. H. (2012). Assessment of Non-Financial Criteria in the Selection of Investment Projects for Seed Capital Funding: the Contribution of Scientometrics and Patentometrics. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 7(3), 172–197.



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