Supply Chain Management Practices as a Support to Innovation in SMEs


  • Simone Regina Didonet 1. Department of Business Administration Faculty of Applied Social Sciences Federal University of Parana Brazil 2. Affiliated researcher at the Entrepreneurship and SME Center in the Faculty of Economics and Administration at the Universidad Católic
  • Guillermo Díaz Department of Economics and Business Organization Faculty of Economics and Business Universidad de Barcelona Spain



supply chain management practices, innovation, small and medium enterprises


Supply chain management (SCM) is an area of increasing importance among enterprises and of growing academic interest (Mentzer and Gundlach, 2010). It is based on the concept of firms as part of multiple organizations oriented to the provision of goods and services for the final customer (Lambert and Cooper, 2000). From this perspective, several studies have verified that integration and collaboration in the supply chain can provide important benefits to the companies involved. Among these benefits are added value, the creation of efficiencies and client satisfaction (Stock, Boyer and Harmon, 2010; Chow et al, 2008), which are represented by the reduction in inventories, improvements in service delivery and quality and shorter product development cycles (Corbett, Blackburn and Wassenhove, 1999).


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Author Biographies

Simone Regina Didonet, 1. Department of Business Administration Faculty of Applied Social Sciences Federal University of Parana Brazil 2. Affiliated researcher at the Entrepreneurship and SME Center in the Faculty of Economics and Administration at the Universidad Católic

Dr. Simone Didonet is research professor at the Department of Business Management in the Federal University of Parana, Brazil. Her research areas are marketing strategies and supply chain management as they apply to small and medium sized enterprises, and innovation. She is also affiliated researcher at the Entrepreneurship and SME Center in the Faculty of Economics and Administration at the Universidad Catolica del Norte, Chile.

Guillermo Díaz, Department of Economics and Business Organization Faculty of Economics and Business Universidad de Barcelona Spain

Dr. Guillermo Diaz-Villavicencio received his PhD from Department of Economic and Business at the Universidad de Barcelona, Spain. His research interests are sustainability, eco-efficiency, DEA, and strategic planning in small and medium-sized enterprises


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How to Cite

Didonet, S. R., & Díaz, G. (2012). Supply Chain Management Practices as a Support to Innovation in SMEs. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 7(3), 91–109.



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