Analysing Changes in Electricity Industries Against Actors and Technologies: Utility to Business Transformations in Denmark, Germany, Finland and Spain


  • Mari Ratinen



Change, social construction, electricity industry, wind energy, solar photovoltaic


Liberalization of electricity markets, governmental policies for renewable electricity and technology development are transforming national electricity industries. However, there are considerable national differences in how these industries have changed and which businesses have been developed. We propose a typology for comparing changes in electricity industry based on the changes in the actors and technologies. Wind power and solar photovoltaic are used here as technology examples. A qualitative analysis of the changes in electricity industries in four EU member states is presented. Based on the preliminary findings, we conclude that if the industry consists of many, small firms with relatively loose ties with the government the industry is more likely to change than if it consists of few large firms with strong relations with the government.


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Author Biography

Mari Ratinen

My education is in the field of business management and environmental management and technologies.

I am working as a researcher at the Aalto University in Finland.


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How to Cite

Ratinen, M. (2012). Analysing Changes in Electricity Industries Against Actors and Technologies: Utility to Business Transformations in Denmark, Germany, Finland and Spain. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 7(2), 87–101.



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