Science, Technology and Innovation Management: Contributions to a Methodological Framework


  • Adriana Bin School of Applied Sciences, University of Campinas
  • Sergio Salles-Filho Department of Science and Technology Policy, University of Campinas



science, technology and innovation, research and development, management models, evolutionary processes, indeterminacy, complex systems, scope economies, Embrapa


The article discusses the specificities of science and technology development and innovation processes in organizational arena and their implications for planning and management. It proposes that ST&I processes must be planned and managed as evolutionary processes defined by targeted attitudes to search routines and an understanding of the selective instances in which organizations are embedded, taking into consideration the distinct institutional elements that mediate such relations. To deal with this framework, the article proposes a methodological framework comprising a set of building blocks to help managers deal with the challenge of innovation. The building blocks are: (1) indeterminacy; (2) the profile of the professionals involved and the organizational culture; (3) the collective logic associated with the complexity of non-linear, dynamic and adaptive systems; and (4) the logic of the scope economies associated with knowledge production. The methodology is applied in a case study of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Bin, School of Applied Sciences, University of Campinas

Assistant Professor, School of Applied Sciences – University of Campinas – UNICAMP. Background in Food Engineering; Master and PhD in Scientific and Technological Policy. Researcher of the Study Group on the Organization of Research and Innovation – GEOPI. Areas of interest: planning and management of science, technology and innovation, strategic planning, research evaluation.

Sergio Salles-Filho, Department of Science and Technology Policy, University of Campinas

Professor, Department of Science and Technology Policy – University of Campinas – UNICAMP. Background in Agronomic Engineering; Master in Energy Applied to Agriculture and PhD in Economics. Formerly Head of Planning of the National Agency for Innovation, FINEP. Presently is Director of the School of Applied Sciences at Unicamp. Founded, in 1995, the Study Group on the Organization of Research and Innovation - GEOPI. Areas of interest: economics, planning and management of science, technology and innovation.


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How to Cite

Bin, A., & Salles-Filho, S. (2012). Science, Technology and Innovation Management: Contributions to a Methodological Framework. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 7(2), 73–86.



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