Barriers to Open Innovation: Case China


  • Irina Savitskaya Department of Industrial Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Kouvola Research Unit
  • Pekka Salmi Department of Industrial Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Kouvola Research Unit
  • Marko Torkkeli Department of Industrial Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Kouvola Research Unit



Open innovation, markets for technology, intellectual property rights, national culture, China


The notion of open innovation suggests that firms can boost their innovative performance by both acquiring knowledge from outside the company and deploying external paths to market for commercialization of non-core technologies. As innovations emerge increasingly from interorganisational cooperation, the background for such cooperation can also have an impact on the involvement of companies into open innovation processes. Thereby this paper proposes to analyze the barriers towards open innovation from three different aspects, such as internal firms’ environment, institutional factors or innovation system and cultural background. Our findings indicate that economic systems and institutions (in particular the protection of IPRs) may have large effects on the behavior of firms with respect to their engagement in open innovation practices. On the other hand, our results also suggest that the importance of appropriability regime may differ in the buy and sell sides of knowledge, and finally we demonstrate the influence of peculiarities of national cultures upon the adoption of certain elements of open innovation model.


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Author Biographies

Irina Savitskaya, Department of Industrial Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Kouvola Research Unit

Irina Savitskaya is a PhD student at the Department of Industrial Management at Lappeenranta University of Technology in Kouvola, Finland. She holds MSc in Economics and Business Administration from Lappeenranta University of Technology and MSc in Management from St. Petersburg State University (Russia). Her research interests focus on innovation and technology management, regional innovation system and cross-cultural aspects of innovation management.

Pekka Salmi, Department of Industrial Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Kouvola Research Unit

Pekka Salmi is a researcher in the Department of Industrial Management at Lappeenranta University of Technology. His research interests focus on innovation and technology management, knowledge management and interorganisational collaboration. He has presented his works in several forums in the fields of innovation and knowledge management, and organisation science.

Marko Torkkeli, Department of Industrial Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Kouvola Research Unit

Marko Torkkeli is a Professor of technology and business innovations at the Lappeenranta University of Technology in Kouvola, Finland. He is a member of the editorial boards of International Journal of Innovation Management, International Journal of Services Sciences and Research Journal of Business Management. He is a Visiting Researcher at INESC Porto (Portugal). He serves as the Vice President of publications of the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM).


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How to Cite

Savitskaya, I., Salmi, P., & Torkkeli, M. (2010). Barriers to Open Innovation: Case China. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 5(4), 10–21.



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