Internacionalización, Tramas Productivas y Sistema Nacional de Innovación


  • Hernán Alejandro Morero CEA CONICET (UNC) - FCE (UNC)



Production Networks, innovative performance, National Systems of Innovation


Internationalization, Production Networks and National System of Innovation

This paper aims to study the capacity of the National Systems of Innovation to affect the innovative performance of firms in internationalized production activities of a developing economy. The research adopted a production networks perspective on Innovation Systems and the empirical work involved a survey to firms from the automotive productive network in Argentina. The importance of domestic and external sources of knowledge to the innovative performance of these firms was evaluated through the use of multivariate analysis and data clustering techniques. The main findings of the study are that: i) the innovative performance of argentinian auto parts firms is positively related to certain complementation between internal and external sources of knowledge; and that ii) the importance of the national innovation system is essential for them, even if those firms belongs to internationalized production networks that operates in a developing country.


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Author Biography

Hernán Alejandro Morero, CEA CONICET (UNC) - FCE (UNC)

Doctorando en Economía - Becario de CONICET - Beca Doctoral Tipo I en el Centro de Estudios Avanzados; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Profesor Ayudante B en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (asignación en Organización Industrial e Introducción a las Ciencias Sociales);  Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Adscripto al Sistema de Perfeccionaiento Docente en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas en las cátedras de Teoría Evolucionista de la Economía e Historia del Análisis y del Pensamiento Económico;  Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


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How to Cite

Morero, H. A. (2010). Internacionalización, Tramas Productivas y Sistema Nacional de Innovación. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 5(3), 142–161.



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