Collaborative Environments in RD&I Institutions of the Brazilian Agricultural Sector


  • Tercia Zavaglia Torres Embrapa Informática Agropecuária, Universidade Paulista – Unip, Faculdades de Paulínia – FACP. Avenida André Tosello, 209 – Barão Geraldo. Caixa Postal 6041. 13083-886 – Campinas, SP. Brasil. Tel: 00 55 19 3211-5785.
  • Ivo Pierozzi Junior Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. Avenida André Tosello, 209 – Barão Geraldo. Caixa Postal 6041. 13083-886 – Campinas, SP. Brasil. Tel: 00 55 19 3211-5867
  • Ricardo Martins Bernardes Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. Avenida André Tosello, 209 – Barão Geraldo. Caixa Postal 6041. 13083-886 – Campinas, SP. Brasil. Tel: 00 55 19 3211-5802
  • Isaque Vacari Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. Avenida André Tosello, 209 – Barão Geraldo. Caixa Postal 6041. 13083-886 – Campinas, SP. Brasil. Tel: 00 55 19 3211-5784



collaborative environment for technological innovation, collaborative learning for technological innovation, integrated knowledge nets, knowledge net management


Research, development and technological innovation (RD&I) companies promote inter- and intra-organizational interactions based on the formation of research nets. This arrangement prioritizes the use of competencies of both people and institutions, stimulating the generation of new knowledge and competencies, and consequently technological innovation. The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – Embrapa, responsible for knowledge generation and technological innovation in the Brazilian agricultural sector, has put a lot of effort into the establishment of a collaborative environment which allows the exchange of information, knowledge and experience among researchers and promote new knowledge, competencies and technological innovation. The present paper discusses conceptual bases and presents a model of collaborative environment established by the above-mentioned corporation in order to favor the learning and the production of innovative solutions in agricultural research nets.


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Author Biographies

Tercia Zavaglia Torres, Embrapa Informática Agropecuária, Universidade Paulista – Unip, Faculdades de Paulínia – FACP. Avenida André Tosello, 209 – Barão Geraldo. Caixa Postal 6041. 13083-886 – Campinas, SP. Brasil. Tel: 00 55 19 3211-5785.

Dra. Educação. Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. Professora Universidade Paulista e Faculdade de Paulínia.

Ivo Pierozzi Junior, Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. Avenida André Tosello, 209 – Barão Geraldo. Caixa Postal 6041. 13083-886 – Campinas, SP. Brasil. Tel: 00 55 19 3211-5867

Dr. Ecologia. Embrapa Informática Agropecuária.

Isaque Vacari, Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. Avenida André Tosello, 209 – Barão Geraldo. Caixa Postal 6041. 13083-886 – Campinas, SP. Brasil. Tel: 00 55 19 3211-5784

Analista da Embrapa Informática Agropecuária.


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How to Cite

Torres, T. Z., Junior, I. P., Bernardes, R. M., & Vacari, I. (2010). Collaborative Environments in RD&I Institutions of the Brazilian Agricultural Sector. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 5(3), 69–80.



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