Biorefinery in Brazil: New Technological Trends Adopted by Domestic Companies


  • Marcia França Ribeiro Fernandes dos Santos Escola de Química da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
  • Suzana Borshiver Escola de Química da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
  • Maria Antonieta Gomes Couto Escola de Química da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).



New Technological, Domestic Companies, Biorefinery in Brazil


This article presents the new technological trends adopted by companies based in Brazil on the subject biorefinery that turns out to be a new way to produce chemicals and fuels in a similar way to oil refineries. The survey of information available in literature was obtained through a literature and documents. The results suggest that domestic firms are investing in new technology, especially from sugarcane, taking advantage of long experience in research, development and innovation in farming techniques acquired by tropical country.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro Fernandes dos Santos, M. F., Borshiver, S., & Gomes Couto, M. A. (2010). Biorefinery in Brazil: New Technological Trends Adopted by Domestic Companies. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 5(2), 84–90.



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