Gender Equality in the Interface Organisations between Science, Technology and Innovations


  • Marja Vehviläinen University of Tampere
  • Pia Vuolanto University of Tampere
  • Oili-Helena Ylijoki University of Tampere



feminization, gender equality, gendered practices, intermediary organization, networking, science parks.


The article examines the practices of gender equality in the sector of science, technology and innovation through a qualitative empirical study of five intermediary organisations such as science parks, including interviews with women experts, collected in the Finnish subproject of the Women in Innovation, Science and Technology (WIST) project. It describes work practices of science parks as future oriented knowledge work and service work, which highlights networks and the recognition of potential future partners. Intermediary work between science, technology and innovations maintains the typical gender segregation and the segregation further intertwines with the networks and the practices of recognition. Practices of gender equality found in the study cover – in addition to the public care services and the organisation level actions – practices that pay special attention to networking and recognition


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Author Biographies

Marja Vehviläinen, University of Tampere

Department of Social Research, University of Tampere

Pia Vuolanto, University of Tampere

Unit for Science,Technology and Innovation Studies University of Tampere

Oili-Helena Ylijoki, University of Tampere

Unit for Science,Technology and Innovation Studies University of Tampere


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How to Cite

Vehviläinen, M., Vuolanto, P., & Ylijoki, O.-H. (2010). Gender Equality in the Interface Organisations between Science, Technology and Innovations. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 5(1), 64–74.



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