Barriers and Facilitators of Collaborative Management in Technological Innovation Projects


  • Sonia Regina Hierro Parolin Ph.D. in Business Administration FEA / USP; M.Sc. in Business Administration / UFRGS.
  • Eduardo Vasconcellos Professor of Creativity and Innovation in Graduate Programs and Manager of Technological Services and Innovation at SENAI Paraná.
  • Maricilia Volpato M.Sc. in Innovation / UTFPR; Economist / UFSC. Senior Analyst in Innovation at SENAI Paraná.
  • Alisson Marcelo Laurindo M.Sc. in Production Engineering / UFPR; Specialist in Planning and Business Management / FAE; Business administration / Positivo University.



collaborative management, innovation management, innovation projects.


Discussions about innovation tend to a more systemic and cooperative approach in which those networks focused on scientific and technological development are considered. This article aims to identify the barriers and facilitators in the collaborative management process of technological innovation projects and a study has been carried out by the cooperation action for innovation with 17 industries in Brazil. The primary evidence refers to the crucial role of project managers when leading the structural demands, and clarity on the relevance of the communication of strategic guidelines among the organizations involved for the achievement of the results in the industries.


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Author Biographies

Sonia Regina Hierro Parolin, Ph.D. in Business Administration FEA / USP; M.Sc. in Business Administration / UFRGS.

Ph.D. in Business Administration FEA / USP; M.Sc. in Business Administration / UFRGS.

Eduardo Vasconcellos, Professor of Creativity and Innovation in Graduate Programs and Manager of Technological Services and Innovation at SENAI Paraná.

Prof. Titular e Chefe do Departamento de Adm. da FEA/USP, Bacharel em Administração, Máster of Management - Vanderbilt University (EUA), Doutor em Adm. - USP, foi / é membro do corpo editorial da Technovation (EUA), R&D Management (Inglaterra), Transactions in Engineering Management (EUA), Technology Innovation (EUA), e outras. Consultor da ONU e da Pan American Health Organization e Banco Mundial na área de Gerenciamento da Inovação Tecnológica, foi presidente da ANPAD, e é Diretor da International Association for the Management of Technology - IAMOT. Linhas de pesquisa: estratégia tecnológica e organização para inovação

Maricilia Volpato, M.Sc. in Innovation / UTFPR; Economist / UFSC. Senior Analyst in Innovation at SENAI Paraná.

Economista, Mestre em Inovações Tecnológicas UTFPR. Atua como Analista Técnica Senior na Gerênciad e Inovação SENAI PR. Possui artigos publicados.

Alisson Marcelo Laurindo, M.Sc. in Production Engineering / UFPR; Specialist in Planning and Business Management / FAE; Business administration / Positivo University.

Administrador, Mestrando em Engenharia da Produção UFPR. Atua como Analista Técnico na Gerência de Inovação SENAI PR.


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How to Cite

Parolin, S. R. H., Vasconcellos, E., Volpato, M., & Laurindo, A. M. (2013). Barriers and Facilitators of Collaborative Management in Technological Innovation Projects. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 8, 151–164.

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