Industry 4.0 Analysis as Differentiating Factor in Innovation: The Case of an Automotive Industry Using Technology with Optical Sensors to Optimize the Visibility in Cars
Industry 4.0, Innovation, Technology, Internet of Things, Automotive IndustryAbstract
An investigation was made in an automotive industry considered as industry 4.0 in the city of Tijuana, Baja California, which is the northwest zone of the Mexican Republic, evaluating optical sensors to optimize the visibility in cars, as the internet of things (IOT) process, to improve the productivity and quality yielding in the manufacturing areas of this industry evaluated. The main objective of this scientific study was the analysis of the operational yielding of electronic sensors used in the industrial operations to count, control and obtain and safeguarding numerical data of parameters of the sensors evaluated as numerical in a data base in a cloud and in a computer system, as an innovation technology. This investigation shows also a correlation analysis of the implementation of innovation system in industrial process of the industry where was made the scientific study, with the evaluation of the operative yielding as innovation with the productivity and quality indices. The correlation analysis was made with the Spearmen method. This was made to determine the levels of impact on the functionality of these electronic sensors on the productivity and quality indices that led to the economic profit factor, as an aspect of innovation, technology and economy in this evaluated industry. The evaluations were with the MatLab software, using statistical methods as the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient and the Spearmen used to evaluate the reliability of the instrument as a questionnaire, with five managers of the industry evaluated about the use of these electronic sensors. The principal objective of this investigation was to determine the principal reason to use the industry 4.0 tools as IOT to improve industrial process in an automotive industry that is a relevant industry in the worldwide. Results shows the importance of the use of this type of industry 4.0 tool.
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