Portfolio Evaluation of Academic Patent: A Proposal to Brazil


  • Rafael Angelo Santos Leite Federal Institute of Piauí Federal University of Sergipe
  • Iracema Machado de Aragão Federal University of Sergipe
  • Suzana Leitão Russo Federal University of Sergipe http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9810-274X
  • Cícero Eduardo Sousa Walter Federal Institute of Piauí




Value Assessment, Validation of Indicators, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Analytical Hierarchy Process.


In the current context of scarce financial resources, technology transfer offices are pressured to find ways to increase revenues through technology transfers or reduce expenses with their portfolio of technologies, especially patents. The Patent assessment seeks to detect the market potential of patents for transfer through licensing, abandonment, or maintenance. In this context, the objective of this study is to validate the leading indicators used in the patent evaluation to develop a framework for evaluating academic patent portfolio in the Brazilian context. For this, we used mapping and analysis methods of the current models besides focus group consultations, exploratory factorial analysis, and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to validate the indicators. The results show that seven factors are determinant in the evaluation of academic patents, having positive implications for the management of Intellectual Property since technology transfer decision-makers can use the factors and their identified weights as value indicators to evaluate patents with the most significant market potential.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Angelo Santos Leite, Federal Institute of Piauí Federal University of Sergipe

Business and Management Department

Iracema Machado de Aragão, Federal University of Sergipe

Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property Science

Suzana Leitão Russo, Federal University of Sergipe

Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property Science

Cícero Eduardo Sousa Walter, Federal Institute of Piauí

Business and Management Department


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How to Cite

Leite, R. A. S., de Aragão, I. M., Russo, S. L., & Walter, C. E. S. (2019). Portfolio Evaluation of Academic Patent: A Proposal to Brazil. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 14(4), 66–77. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-27242019000400066



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