Towards Innovation in Multinational Corporation Subsidiaries: Development of an Instrument to Select and Evaluate Value Driven Strategies


  • Sinead Corry College of Engineering & Informatics, National University of Ireland, Galway, University Road, Galway H91 TK33
  • Kathryn Cormican College of Engineering & Informatics National University of Ireland, University Road, Galway, Ireland H91 TK33



Multi-national corporation, subsidiary, strategy selection and evaluation, best practice analysis, scorecard


This paper examines the complex, interdependent relationship between multinational companies and their subsidiaries. It discusses how subsidiary role development and specific strategic initiatives may add new value to corporations. While previous studies have identified the need for more proactive management practices, there are few practical guides available to managers to help them improve their performance. This paper addresses this deficit and contributes new knowledge on subsidiary role development practices in terms of selection and evaluation. Through an in-depth analysis of extant literature, the research developed and tested an instrument that allows decision makers to assess their company against good practice. This instrument (or audit tool) is an accurate, reliable and valid mechanism to measure a subsidiary’s role development strategies.


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Author Biography

Kathryn Cormican, College of Engineering & Informatics National University of Ireland, University Road, Galway, Ireland H91 TK33

Kathryn Cormican (Ph.D.) lectures in the College of Engineering & Informatics at the National University of Ireland Galway. Her research interests lies in the areas of enterprise integration and technology innovation management. This is an applied research area so it is essential to work closely with industry to identify and prioritize requirements, co-develop solutions and ecosystems and validate and implement new models and systems. The focus may be on a specific process, business unit, enterprise or value network which would include an enterprise and its relationship with its customers, suppliers regulatory bodies and other key stakeholders. The research area is multidisciplinary in nature and spans areas such as engineering, technology and business. Kathryn has significant experience in proposal generation, R&D project management and technology transfer. She has published widely at international conferences and peer reviewed journals. Kathryn works closely with many leading organisations and SMEs helping them to diagnose, develop and deploy new processes and systems.


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How to Cite

Corry, S., & Cormican, K. (2019). Towards Innovation in Multinational Corporation Subsidiaries: Development of an Instrument to Select and Evaluate Value Driven Strategies. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 14(1), 25–33.



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