Marketing Myopia in Brazilian Public Universities: An Empirical Study Involving Academicians
patent innovation, factorial analysis, entrepreneurship, technology transfer, market orientation.Abstract
The objective of this study was to understand the role of marketing, from research to commercialization of technologies in Brazilian public universities. To that end, an online survey was conducted, involving 236 academicians associated with in Brazilian public universities. The data obtained were subjected to exploratory factor analysis and descriptive statistics. The results revealed the low utilization of proactive market analyses in Brazilian public universities, as well as the limited integration of marketing through interaction with companies. The strategic orientation prevalent in BPUs was geared to technology, at the expense of relationships with society and the market. An entrepreneurial orientation was not observed. The actions to promote or encourage the transfer of Brazilian public universities technologies to the market proved timid. Finally, there were several obstacles to the implementation of marketing in Brazilian public universities, characterizing the so called marketing myopia.Downloads
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