Absorptive capacity and innovation in low-tech companies in emerging economies





Absorptive capacity, Technological innovation, Non-technological innovation, Low technological intensity, Peru


Innovation capacity is on the focus of policy makers in emerging economies. Although some studies show the antecedents of innovation capacity for developed economies and high technological industries, scant research outcomes exist for different settings. This study tries to shed some light on the drivers of innovation capacity for low technological companies in emerging economies. Using the absorptive capacity as a driver of technological and non-technological innovation capacity, this study proposes a SEM model to contribute to the literature of innovation capacity including technological and non-technological innovation, and the relationship between them, in low-techonology industries in an emerging economy. A sample of 706 manufacturing companies from Peru is used. The academic contribution of this study states that absorptive capacity favors technological and non-technological innovation capacity and that non-technological innovation affects technological one. Accordingly, managerial contribution suggests improving absorptive capacity levels to internal R&D activities but also to organizational and marketing innovation activities.


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Author Biographies

Javier Fernando Del Carpio, Universidad ESAN

Javier Del Carpio holds a Dean position at ESAN University. He obtained a Doctoral degree from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Master of Science from Northern Illinois University, and an MBA from ESAN University. Currently, he is lecturing in subjects related to Corporate Finance and Entrepreneurship.

Dr. Del Carpio has participated in international conferences, and his current research interest is in the Innovation Management area.

Francesc Miralles, Universidad La Salle

Francesc Miralles holds an Academic Dean position at La Salle (Ramon Llull University). He obtained a Ph.D. from UPC (Barcelona) and an MBA from ESADE - URL. Currently, he is lecturing in subjects related to Strategic Management and Innovation Strategy. Francesc is a Visiting Professor at ESAN.

Dr. Miralles has been published in international journals and has authored four books. His current research interests are in the area of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship.

He has also participated in several international research projects funded by the European Commission (Marie Skłodowska-Curie and INNOSUP Actions), the CYCIT and the CENIT programme.


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How to Cite

Del Carpio, J. F., & Miralles, F. (2018). Absorptive capacity and innovation in low-tech companies in emerging economies. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 13(2), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-27242018000200003



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