Inbound Open Innovation in Financial Services


  • Andrey Martovoy IT for Innovative Services (ITIS), Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), 29 Avenue John F Kennedy, Luxembourg.
  • Anne-Laure Mention IT for Innovative Services (ITIS), Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), 29 Avenue John F Kennedy, Luxembourg.
  • Marko Torkkeli Lappeenranta University of Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34, Lappeenranta.



inbound open innovation, financial innovation, new service development, advantages and disadvantages, benefits and costs, financial services, banking services, inter-firm cooperation.


In the existing literature on innovation, financial services firms are attributed with a dependence on external knowledge inputs. Meanwhile, relative importance of sources of knowledge for innovation, modes of knowledge inflow, cooperation partners, advantages and disadvantages of cooperation for innovation remain underexplored. This study has unveiled that the most important internal sources of knowledge for innovation in financial services are frontline employees, new service development teams, bank executives, and backstage staff. Highly valuable modes of knowledge inflow for innovation are human resource development, purchase of equipment, and informal personal interactions. Financial services firms benefit from cooperation for innovation with external partners in the following aspects: increase in customer satisfaction, developed new skills of employees, new technologies, access to knowledge and expertise, decreased costs, and finding a new approach to solve a problem. Costs associated with external cooperation for innovation remain the most influential disadvantage of this mode of inbound open innovation.


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How to Cite

Martovoy, A., Mention, A.-L., & Torkkeli, M. (2015). Inbound Open Innovation in Financial Services. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 10(1), 117–131.



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