Can Latin America Move Forward after a Lost Decade in Technical Change? …Looking at Opportunities for Knowledge-based Change in Times of Increasing Uncertainty


  • Manuel Heitor Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, IN+, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
  • Hugo Horta Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, IN+, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Rosario Castañón Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnológico, UNAM, México
  • Roberto Sbragia Center for Technology Management and Policy, PGT; School of Economics and Management, FEA, University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil.
  • Alejandro Jiménez School of Economics and Business, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile



technical change, innovation policy, Latin America, science policies, international cooperation, special issue


In view of the current global context, which challenges are facing science- and technology-based developments and cooperation in a way to contribute for policies that stimulate localized learning, innovation and endogenous development in Latin America?

This broad question has motivated the work behind the Special Issue introduced by this paper, which considers the development of case studies in selected Latin America regions. The analysis lead us to argue that value-based networks have the potential to make both public policies and markets more effective, promoting learning trajectories for the inclusive development of regions. But they require effective public investments to keep attracting and qualifying human resources, together with long-term developments towards technical industries and export capacity for emerging markets worldwide. Our analysis argues about the unique potential for further developing Latin America through strategic international, knowledge-based ventures, exploring the emerging role the internationalization of universities and scientific institutions may play at a global level. Above all, they require the systematic observation of science and technical change in international comparison, as well as a relational infrastructure for collective action, at an international level, in a context much influenced by a dynamic of change and a necessary balance between the creation and diffusion of knowledge towards the endogenous development of all parts involved. The role of Latin America Universities and science policies based on international cooperation are considered to be particularly important in this process.


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How to Cite

Heitor, M., Horta, H., Castañón, R., Sbragia, R., & Jiménez, A. (2014). Can Latin America Move Forward after a Lost Decade in Technical Change? …Looking at Opportunities for Knowledge-based Change in Times of Increasing Uncertainty. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 9(4), 1–19.

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