Technology Transfer from Academia to Rural Communities: The Case of Caprines in vitro Fecundation and Local Livestock Market in Tamarugal Province in Chile.
technology transfer, developing countries, livestock, rural communities, in vitro fecundation, quantitative prospection.Abstract
The following article shows a case study of the caprine industry in the Tamarugal province (Chile) and includes a comparison with the data previously retrieved by governmental agencies and a local survey performed in this work. It aims to identify the objectives of the Center for Animal Reproduction of Universidad de los Lagos (CRAULA) to fulfill the needs of the local goat producers, in order to switch the economic basis of the region to more sustainable sources than the used nowadays. The center develops in vitro fecundation process to manage genetic improvement in goats. The technology transfer strategy includes a close monitoring of the production in a climatic extreme condition such as the north of Chile. Our results retrieve an updated snapshot of the goat production in the province, the economic projections and the producer´s demands for assessment and technology support, where a stronger interaction between University and industry is suggested.Downloads
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