Integration Practices for the Technological Innovation of Products: Case Studies at Two Large Technological Companies


  • Daniel Jugend Department of Production Engineering - Universidade Estadual Paulista -UNESP.
  • Sérgio Luis da Silva Department of Information Sciences - Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar).
  • Luís Fernando Magnanini Almeida Department of Production Engineering - Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar)
  • José Alcides Gobbo Junior Department of Production Engineering - Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP



technological innovation of products, integration, technology-based companies.


Studies on innovation and technology management have emphasized the importance of integration between the research and development (R&D) department and others involved with the product development process (PDP) as a relevant practice for the good performance of technological innovation of product activities. This study addresses the topic of transfers of technologies to new product projects and also integration practices between the R&D department and others involved with the PDP. A qualitative study was conducted that was operationalized through two case studies at large high-tech companies: One is Brazilian and the other is a multinational subsidiary in Brazil. Among its main result, this paper represents and analyzes management practices that are favorable to integration in product development projects that demand development and transfer of technologies, such as: participation of R&D personnel in market activities, the adoption of virtual interaction mechanisms, and the application of methods such as technology roadmaps.


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How to Cite

Jugend, D., Silva, S. L. da, Almeida, L. F. M., & Gobbo Junior, J. A. (2013). Integration Practices for the Technological Innovation of Products: Case Studies at Two Large Technological Companies. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 8, 26–36.

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