Focus and Scope


JOTMI is a quarterly indexed electronic journal, refereed and edited by Business and Economy Faculty at Alberto Hurtado University. Its mission is to publish original and novel literature in the fields of technology management and innovation; putting emphasis in topics relevant in a global fashion, remarking in Latin-Ibero-America and the Caribbean. The objective of the journal is to analyze the impact that global technological change has on society and to disseminate the best management practices of companies and organizations.


The readers for whom JOTMI is intended are mainly academic and governmental agents, public policy managers, business managers and/or professionals.

Subject Coverage:

The Journal of Technology Management & Innovation accepts the following categories of articles:

  1. Management of Technology and Innovation.
  2. Business and International Management.
  3. Strategy and Management.

The coverage includes the following specific areas:

  • Science, technology and innovation policies
  • Responsible research and innovation
  • Ethics and emerging technologies.
  • Innovation economy
  • Gender and technology studies
  • Innovation of the public sector
  • Innovations marketing.
  • Technological strategy
  • Collaboration and competence
  • Intellectual property
  • Entrepreneurship and regional development (Latin America)
  • Sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainable innovation
  • Management of creativity
  • Environments harnessing innovation
  • Management of technological change and emerging companies
Selection criteria:

Criteria for the article selection includes: that the article need to be novel, relevant, concise, practical, informative and useful to readers of the respective sections of the Journal: Articles, Review, cases studies.