Peer Review Process


All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Technology Management & Innovation undergo peer review. The editors may also participate as qualified reviewers. Upon submission, the editors review the manuscript to determine its alignment with the journal's 'focus and scope', 'thematic coverage', 'selection criteria', and 'submission requirements'. If deemed appropriate, the article proceeds to peer review, which takes 2 to 3 months, to recommend acceptance, acceptance with modifications, or rejection of the article to the editor. If the manuscript is accepted with revisions, the editors return the manuscript to the corresponding author. The authors must incorporate the suggested changes to the article and resubmit it to the editors using the online management platform, along with a letter indicating the changes made.

The editorial team reserves the right to utilize artificial intelligence tools, anti-plagiarism software, reference analysis tools, and written language analysis tools to make more informed and accurate decisions. These technologies enable us to comprehensively evaluate the originality, quality, and soundness of the received manuscripts, thereby ensuring the integrity and scientific rigor of the publications. Our objective is to select and publish high-quality works that significantly contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective research areas.

Finally, the editors return the revised and corrected article to the executive editorial team, which coordinates the editorial procedure and distributes the articles submitted to the journal.