About the Journal

Focus and Scope

JOTMI is a quarterly indexed electronic journal, refereed and edited by the Business and Economy Faculty at Alberto Hurtado University. Its mission is to publish original and novel literature in technology management and innovation, emphasizing topics relevant globally and remarking on Latin Ibero America and the Caribbean. The journal aims to analyze global technological change's impact on society and disseminate the best management practices of companies and organizations.


The readers for whom JOTMI is intended are mainly academic and governmental agents, public policy managers, business managers and/or professionals.

Subject Coverage:

The Journal of Technology Management & Innovation accepts the following categories of articles:

  1. Management of Technology and Innovation.
  2. Business and International Management.
  3. Strategy and Management.

The coverage includes the following specific areas:

  • Science, technology and innovation policies
  • Responsible research and innovation
  • Ethics and emerging technologies.
  • Innovation economy
  • Gender and technology studies
  • Innovation of the public sector
  • Innovations marketing.
  • Technological strategy
  • Collaboration and competence
  • Intellectual property
  • Entrepreneurship and regional development (Latin America)
  • Sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainable innovation
  • Management of creativity
  • Environments harnessing innovation
  • Management of technological change and emerging companies

Selection criteria:

Criteria for the article selection includes: that the article need to be novel, relevant, concise, practical, informative and useful to readers of the respective sections of the Journal: Articles, Review, cases studies.

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Technology Management & Innovation undergo a peer review process. Editors may also serve as qualified reviewers. Upon submission, the editors review the manuscript to determine if it meets the 'focus and scope,' 'subject coverage,' 'selection criteria,' and 'submission requirements.' If appropriate, the manuscript proceeds to peer review, which typically takes 2-3 months. This review results in a recommendation to the editor for acceptance, acceptance with modifications, or rejection of the article.

If the manuscript is accepted with revisions, the editors return it to the corresponding author. The authors must then implement the suggested changes and return the revised manuscript to the editors via email, accompanied by a letter detailing the changes made. Finally, the editors forward the revised and corrected manuscript to the Executive Editorial team, which coordinates the editorial process and distributes the submitted articles within the journal.

2024 Publication Schedule

February Vacation:

  • JOTMI will be closed during the month of February.


  • Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their manuscript approximately 10 to 20 weeks after submission.

Final Manuscript Due:

  • Final manuscripts must be submitted approximately 6 weeks after receiving the notification.

Publication Dates:

  • The journal issues will be published in April, July, October, and December.
Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, adhering to the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Correction and Retraction Policy

The Journal of Technology Management and Innovation maintains a strict policy of not altering or removing the published scientific record. Published articles should remain intact and unaltered to the maximum extent possible.

We will respond to suggestions of scientific misconduct or convincing evidence that the main substance or conclusions of a published manuscript are erroneous, usually through consultation with the author and an editorial committee. This may necessitate the publication of a formal retraction or correction. An editorial concern note may be issued by the Editor while an investigation into alleged misconduct or publication of erroneous data is ongoing. This note will be published if there is inconclusive evidence of research or publication misconduct by the authors; evidence that the findings are unreliable but the authors' institution will not investigate the case; an investigation into alleged misconduct related to the publication has not been, or would not be, fair, impartial, or conclusive; or an investigation is underway but a judgment will not be available for a considerable time.

We generally do not publish corrections that do not materially affect the contribution or significantly impair the reader's understanding, such as spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Corrections are free to view and are linked to the original article.

Publishable amendments requested by the authors are represented by a formal printed and online notice in the journal because they affect the publication record and/or the scientific accuracy of the published information. Amendments concerning peer-reviewed material fall into one of four categories: errata, corrigenda, retraction, or addendum. Each amendment will be attached as an additional PDF to the original document.

  • Errata are published when mistakes are introduced or not recognized during editing or production, such as significant typographical errors, errors in figure or table numbers or their legends, proof corrections submitted but not included, or incorrect author details.

  • Corrigenda are published when errors detected by the authors after publication compromise the validity of the scientific content. Readers detecting an error are requested to submit their comments as a 'Letter to the Editor' following the prescribed article format. These letters will be peer-reviewed and sent to the original authors for their comments. Upon acceptance, the letter and the authors' comments will be published in the same issue. Corrigenda are judged on their relevance to readers and importance to the publication record, and require agreement from all co-authors.

  • Addenda are peer-reviewed notifications of additional information to a paper that do not contradict the original publication. If significant information was inadvertently omitted, this material will be published as an addendum after peer-review and editorial discussion, usually in response to readers' requests for clarification. Addenda are published rarely and only when deemed crucial for the reader's understanding.

  • Retractions are issued if the main conclusion of the paper is no longer valid or is seriously undermined by subsequent information. Readers who believe a retraction is necessary should first contact the authors and then write to the journal, including copies of the correspondence. Retractions are considered if there is clear evidence of unreliable findings due to misconduct or honest error, redundant publication, plagiarism, or unethical research. Retracted articles will be digitally watermarked as RETRACTED.

Article Submission Charges

JOTMI is an Open Access Journal and does not charge article submission fees.

Article Processing Charges

JOTMI is an Open Access Journal and does not charge article processing fees. Published articles can be downloaded freely.


Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad Alberto Hurtado