RETRACTED: Technology and Unemployment for Executives in Hospitals


  • Jayr Figueiredo de Oliveira FGV-SP



Information Technology, Unemployment, Hospital Managers, Formation, Service Management


Updated September 4, 2014.


RETRACTION: The paper “Technology and Unemployment for Executives in Hospitals” by Jayr Figuereido, published in vol 7 (3) 2012, has been retracted by the editors because significant parts of the paper were plagiarized and without proper citation to the publication “Gondim, S. M. G., Estramiana, J. L. Á., Luna, A. d. F., Oliveira, T. S. S. d., & Souza, G. C. d. (2010). Atribuições de causas ao desemprego e valores pessoais. Estudos de Psicologia (Natal), 15, 309-317”. This strong determination was taken by the editorial committee in order to correct this misbehavior and to compensate the detriment caused to the academic community. Apologies are offered to our readers for not having spotted this problem during the edition process. We are constantly introducing more tools in our editorial process in order to avoid plagiarism and abuses like the presented in this case. It is in our greatest concern to preserve the academic integrity of our publication.


Abstract: This study aims to investigate how managers of health care institutions explain the causes of unemployment, and how this explanation is related to their personal and family values, in accordance with Schwartz’s theoretical model. For that, we used two questionnaires: one analyzes the explanations for unemployment, and the other one is the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ 21 – short version). Employed and formerly unemployed workers do not show any significant differences in explaining the causes of unemployment. On the other hand, regarding values, formerly unemployed workers show universalism and benevolence, values related to the self-transcendence dimension. Employed workers, in turn, show values of security, related to the conservatism dimension. The conclusion is that, even though technological innovations can affect the quality and quantity of employment, it does not determine its results, especially when we consider the national economy.


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Author Biography

Jayr Figueiredo de Oliveira, FGV-SP

Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo - CMDA


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How to Cite

Oliveira, J. F. de. (2012). RETRACTED: Technology and Unemployment for Executives in Hospitals. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 7(3), 110–120.



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